عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-27-2006   رقم المشاركة : ( 13 )
ذهبي مشارك

الصورة الرمزية الساعدي

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 10
تـاريخ التسجيـل : 01-08-2005
الـــــدولـــــــــــة :
المشاركـــــــات : 1,237
آخــر تواجــــــــد : ()
عدد الـــنقــــــاط : 10
قوة التـرشيــــح : الساعدي يستحق التميز

الساعدي غير متواجد حالياً


من خلال هذا الموضوع ادعوكم لمراسلة الجهات المسئولة في الدنمارك لوقف هذه الحملة ضد رسولنا محمد عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام .

عناوين بعض الجهات المسئولة في الدنمارك :

1- وزاره الثقافه الدنماركية


2- وزير الثقافه الدنماركي


3- جريده الولاند بوستن


- or -


4- السفارة الدنماركية بالرياض :

موقع السفارة الدنماركية فى الرياض على الأنترنت .


وايميل السفارة بالرياض هو


ارسل اياً من الصيغتين على الإيميل :

الصيغة الأولى : قابلة للتعديل حسب امكانياتك اللغوية .

ًWe were considering Denmark one of the most peaceful people in the
world ... and one of the countries that respect all religions.

Unfortunately, what was published in Jyllands-Posten in 30-9-2005 is non acceptable by any Muslim all over the world ... and that has no relation with freedom of opinion.
The Jyllands-Posten should at least publish an article apologizing to Muslims for what was published against our prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in order for Denmark to remain a country of liberty in our sight.

Written and sent to you on behalf of all Muslims all over the world.

الصيغة الثانية : قابلة للتعديل حسب امكانياتك اللغوية.

Peace be upon all who followed the right way

First we'd like to congratulate you of this effort of trying to bring Muslims anger out ... you succeeded in your mission doing it and also losing confident in your country by Muslims all over the world and not the Arabs only ....

Muslims in Denmark can speak for the anger in Europe (part of it).... and you are all asking where the terror come from??!!...strange!!! ....

We are sending you this letter and we are talking and wishing to take this letter into consideration how many Muslims feel when our prophet being insulted & defamed like this way in history ....but it will be a black spot between our people and yours...

I am asking you to not bring hatred between Muslims and your country. We do feel shame for you ... we respect you and you don’t respect us what a shame and it’s not about free speech ... free speech have its limits when it reaches others. Limits mean that any one can talk freely but I must stop when touching sensitivity in others .... plus messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) ...was sent mercy for all human beings not for Arabs only

I think you get it wrong cause when prophet Muhammad came with his message from God it came for all people and God choose him cause of his endless mercy and love for human beings....

You can read it from books which talk about him (pbuh) ...., so its not good for any human being to talk about him and did what you did and what you trying to do..... This is a peaceful message like prophet Muhammad (pbuh) told us to do start with peace.....

As you see when we start talking to any body we start with peace ...., so please think twice before doing it but think more than twice cause as we respect all of you we are waiting to respect our prophet (pbuh) .....

As a minimum we now expect the Jyllands-Posten to publish an article apologizing to Muslims for what was published against our prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
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